ONE-Pager Business Plan
Business Plans are key internal document to articulate major areas of the business, but the ONE-Pager Business Plan is a quick tool to get you started. Use the template to test yourself, validate and fine tune your initial assumptions and plan
مجالات التغطية الرئيسية
Your "Why"
Early Check Point
Feasibility & Business Model
قوالب لبدء أعمالك وتخطيطها وإدارتها وتمويلها وتنميتها، في مكان واحد. بفضل أدواتنا وإرشاداتنا وإرادتك التي لا يمكن إيقافها،
وصف عالي المستوى
The One-Pager Business Plan template is a quick tool to guide your initial steps. Lay out your business idea, consider the paint point your offering is alleviating, your unique value proposition, your competitive advantage. Use your best-guess as a starting point
متى تستخدم النموذج
Draft very early on in the Enterprise journey and before investing lots of time and money into your venture
لماذا استخدام النموذج
Business Plans are key internal document to articulate major areas of the business, but the ONE-Pager Business Plan is a quick tool to get you started. Use the template to test yourself, validate and fine tune your initial assumptions and plan
معلومات إضافية
Your revenue and expenses can be made very simple early on. Focus on your cash burn-out rate and be sure to research & use reasonable assumptions