STEP 2: Click & Get Tool Kit
Have you factored Business AI capabilities? Filter BIZassist database of world class frameworks, models, "how-to" for Entrepreneurs, that have proven to work. Grow your business!
Move out of fire-fighting to a structured execution of your vision.
Your Must Have...
& Demo
Financial Forecast
Customer Testing
Valuation & Funding
& Plan
STEP 3: Customize & Implement
urBIZassist links entrepreneurs with smart, innovative and creative problem solvers. Do it yourself or elevate your efforts with specialists and advisors ready to support you. We bring grey hair to your venture. Don't walk in the dark. Get someone who has done it before you.
Have a 1-on-1 chat about licensing, markets, growth, funding and everything in between.
Our high-caliber professionals workshop through your goals,
your challenges, and guide you based on their established track record.
Benefit from amazing talent
with 20+year careers
in Investment, Legal, Tech & more!
Bold Businesses Love urBIZassist
For entrepreneurs with passion...
Habla con tu asistente BIZ
Tenga una conversación inicial individual con un mentor o especialista de su elección sobre licencias, mercado, crecimiento, requisitos operativos y todo lo demás. Tu asistente de inicio te ayudará, para que puedas concentrar tu energía en lo que importa.
Tenemos una debilidad particular por las empresas impulsadas por el impacto, que resuelven los desafíos sociales y ambientales más apremiantes del mundo. Si estás en este espacio consulta nuestra oferta Pro-bono.